Alcatel-Lucent - 1850 TSS-320

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Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 TRANSPORT SERVICE SWITCH RELEASE 3 The Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 is a next generation Packet Optical Transport platform that supports any mix of traffic from all circuit to all packet Its unique universal matrix seamlessly switches packets or circuits in their native format cost effectively transforming from TDM to packets With the Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 businesses can begin with circuit based transport and over time gradually ramp up packet transport by simply changing line cards The Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 supports current traffic requirements while eliminating the scalability issues encountered when traditional multiservice provisioning platforms are confronted with the high growth of packet based traffi ...
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Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 TRANSPORT SERVICE SWITCH RELEASE 3 The Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 is a next generation Packet Optical Transport platform that supports any mix of traffic from all circuit to all packet Its unique universal matrix seamlessly switches packets or circuits in their native format cost effectively transforming from TDM to packets With the Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 businesses can begin with circuit based transport and over time gradually ramp up packet transport by simply changing line cards The Alcatel Lucent 1850 TSS 320 supports current traffic requirements while eliminating the scalability issues encountered when traditional multiservice provisioning platforms are confronted with the high growth of packet based traffi ...